Introducing CMCM with

Your Backend.
CMCM is your backend, allowing you to manage your work, upload media, and design what attributes you want for your projects. Get a tour now.

Frontend tools.
Frunt (included as part of CMCM) is an optional set of tools and widgets available in PHP and JS to help you build out a personal site easier. It includes core functions as well as menus, slideshows, and more. Check out the widgets available, and check out the docs for more info.
A Simple JSON based content manager for designers.
1. Transparent
CMCM is built on JSON text files, to avoid SQL or other databases.The intention was to have data storage simple and transparent, where even a non-developer can understand how data is being structured.
2. Extendible
A common manager has title,description,tags, and uploads. Built into cmcm is the ability to add additional attributes of your projects and even individual media uploads.
3. Transportable
Because CMCM is self contained, you can drag-and-drop to install. And also, move it to other directories or servers without worrying about migrations.
Features + Requirements.
- JSON text file based, e.g. database-less.
- Drag-and-Drop everything.
- Videos, Sounds! Sondcloud, Youtube, and Vimeo Support
- Multi-user support
- Multiple backend support
- Frunt. Our front-end toolkit to make menus,slideshows, and more.
Requirements (For admin panel):
- Server-side: Server with PHP 5.3 or newer
- Client-side: A Modern Browser (>IE8,Chrome,Safari,Firefox,etc)